Most useful!!!How to choose your laser marking machine?

A. There are 2 kinds of principles of laser marking machines

1.Thermal processing of laser beam with high energy density (it is a concentrated energy flow), irradiated on the material surface, surface absorption of laser energy and thermal excitation process in the illuminated area, so that the surface of the material (or coating), produce abnormal temperature rise, melting, evaporation, ablation.

2.Cold processing (ultraviolet) photons with high load energy can interrupt chemical bonds in materials (especially organic materials) or surrounding media, so as to destroy materials during non thermal process. This cold processing has special significance in laser marking processing, because it is not thermal ablation, but does not produce thermal damage side effects, interrupts the cold debonding of chemical bonds, and therefore does not produce heating or thermal deformation on the surface and adjacent area of the machined surface.

B.Common classification of laser marking machine

The most common laser marking machine can be divided into CO2 laser marking machine, semiconductor laser marking machine, YAG laser marking machine and fiber laser marking machine according to the laser. According to the difference of laser visibility, it is divided into UV laser marking machine (invisible), green laser marking machine (visible laser), infrared laser marking machine (invisible laser).

1, the lamp pumped YAG laser marking machine: using krypton lamp as the source of energy (Ji Liyuan ND:YAG), as a result of the laser medium, a specific wavelength can promote the work material production level transition to release the laser, the laser energy amplification after the formation of laser beam for material processing.

2, CO2 laser marking machine: adopt CO2 gas into the discharge pipe as the lasing medium, when the high voltage on the electrode, the glow discharge is generated in the discharge tube, which can cause the gas molecules released from the laser, the laser energy amplification after the formation of laser beam for material processing.

3, the semiconductor side pump YAG laser marking machine: using the wavelength of 808nm diode laser diode to pump Nd: YAG medium, so that the medium generates a large number of inverted particles. Under the action of Q switch, a large pulse laser output of wavelength 1064nm is formed, and the efficiency of electro-optical conversion is high.

4, semiconductor end pump YAG laser marking machine: directly from the end of the laser crystal, the semiconductor pump (808nm) is pumped into the laser, and the laser is produced by the optical mirror group output. The efficiency of line light conversion is greatly improved.

5, optical fiber laser marking machine: direct output laser from optical fiber.

C.Differentiation of laser marking machine

1, deep ultraviolet laser marking machine: 266 nm

2, green laser marking machine: 532nm

3, light pump YAG laser marking machine: 1064nm

4, semiconductor side pump YAG laser marking machine, semiconductor end pump YAG laser marking machine: 1064nm

5, optical fiber laser marking machine: 1064nm

6, CO2 laser marking machine: 10.64um

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